Whoa! It's been a crazy four months. I feel like I skipped straight through the summer in some ways. How is it October? This two-kid thing has really thrown me for a loop, but I am getting it down. The baby went to sleep at eight last night which helped free up my night to get things done. I haven't been much of a deal shopper the past few months, but you know, that's ok. Sometimes we need to take the pressure off ourselves. We survived. We used a lot of what we had and paid full price on some items (*gasp*). It is important when we are getting burned out that we take a step back and focus on what is really important (our family). Anywhoo, if I have any readers left, I hope you'll join me as I resume my deal shopping.
Here's the little bugger that has been taking all my time. Good thing he's so cute! ;)