Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey Deal at Albies

When you purchase $25 worth of selected Kraft/Nabisco products you get $10 instantly off your turkey. They actually had a checklist for you so you knew exactly what items were included. It is on the front page of the ad as well.

Here's what I did:
4 boxes of Kraft Easy Mac (for quick lunch occassionally) 4 x $2 = $8
9 boxes of Triscuits and Wheat Thins (I wanted these for the holidays and super bowl)
In the same transaction I also purchased a 21 pound Village Market Turkey (get one over 16 lbs to get it for .38 cents per pound) for 7.98.
It took $10 off (even though my turkey was only 7.98) plus I had a $10 coupon from the ConAgra deal I did last week.

So all in all I spent
=13.98 Without the deal the turkey alone would have been more than that!
There are other items besides crackers and mac n' cheese. Cool whip, Oreos and more!

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