Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Albertsons Deals Weekly Total

My second trip:

4 24-packs of water bottles $2.98 each
2 6-packs of water bottles FREE
3 Marie's Dressings $1.50 each
4 Cream Cheeses $4.36 for all 4
2 Sour Creams $0.60 each
3 bags of salad $0.47 each
1 bag of spinach $0.47 each
3 bag of Goldfish crackers 0.92 each
2 Mission packs of Tortillas $0.72 each

Total before coupons and sale=$71.89
Total spent=$21.67
Total savings 70% off!!!

Remember my first visit?

I got:
2 boxes of Wheat Thins
4 Philly Cream Cheeses
2 Darigold Sour Creams
4 Bar S Franks
Total before coupons and sale: $34.43
Total spent after coupons: $7.24
% savings: 79% off!!!

$106.32 worth of items for $28.91!!!

73% savings this week at Albertsons!

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